Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is Mitt Romney Presidential?

It hasn't been clear to me who among the those running for president best deserves my support, is most likely to win the general election, or would make the best president (three separate considerations).

This article by Robert Draper of The New York Times Magazine on Mitt Romney and his campaign, and Scott Johnson's commentary on it, provide some insight that leave me unsure about all three.

I have a new found appreciation for Romeny's strengths. First of all, he comes across as a very intelligent man. He is well read, writes his own books, and seems to know quite a bit. Also, he seeks out divergent viewpoints. Not only does this speak to his humility that he thinks he's not always right, but it also helps him to craft better solutions, based upon more options.

However, this is also a weakness of his. How will he know what decisions to make after being presented with these many viewpoints? Doug Gross, Romney's former Iowa chairman says that Romney's flexibility is a good thing that helps him make pragmatic choices, however, "I don’t know if he's got the gut instinct to make the right call at the right time."

Another weakness is in his willingness to say whatever the voters want to hear. His conversation on ethanol this article presents is one example. Perhaps this is his pragmatism coming through, but he seems to shift his positions on issues in order to get elected.

I also wonder if he is likely to campaign well enough to win the election. Draper brings up some good points about his campaign's weaknesses, such as the opportunity for his opponents to frame his personal narrative. Also, if he doesn't do very well is simple interviews because he's been shielded, how will he fare in future interviews and debates with President Obama?

It is not clear to me what makes a good president. Ultimately, I like the idea of someone who listens to those divergent views, but also has solid enough judgement to choose well. I like the idea of someone who professes positions on issues not based on getting elected, but rather because he believes them and they make sense.

At this point, I will continue looking at Romney and hope I like enough of what I see. I really want to like him.

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